Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday runs

I've decided I love Sunday mornings. Something about them just gives you the space to do what you need to do. Even though I usually end up working on Sundays, the morning always seem leisurely and pleasurable and running on Sunday mornings seems to work out especially well. This morning I managed an easy 7.5 even though I haven't gone that distance in at least a month. But something was working this morning. Weird since I didn't have any real dinner to speak of the night before and didn't go to bed particularly early or wake up particularly late. Maybe it was the yoga stretches I did after getting out of bed (a couple quick sun salutations and some cat/dog stretches) or the small oatmeal with honey, or the two cups of coffee (that probably helped), or the half hour of meditation. None of those (except the yoga) are particularly unusal though. Who knows? It's a continuing mystery. But I was feeling no pain or tiredness this morning as I ran along the harbour then through the 'hood to add some extra kms. The weather was perfect - that early fall coolness with an overcast sky and a slight wind. The city was quiet still. I stopped to watch a hummingbird take in the city's hanging flowers and, as I promised my sister, stopped to smell the wild roses along the harbour path. So my pace was a bit slower than usual I guess, but still, I was weirdly un-tired and only stopped at 7.5 because the lesson of July still hangs over me and I was clearly doing more than 10% over the week before. In any case, it was all good. Maybe it was the yoga stretches - although I know there's a debate over pre run stretching. (But at least my down-dogs are improving. )

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Back at it - more slowly

Okay, so it's been a while since that last update. I haven't stopped running, I just had a bit of a slow down. As soon as I hit that 110+km mark I got knocked over by a nasty summer cold and I took a while to rebuild. But I learned something. Apparently if you increase your running distance you quickly you can drain your bodies resources and defences and become prone to getting sick. So there you go. Lesson learned. Nonetheless I did get back at it within a couple of weeks and have now got over 250km under my belt, I just limited myself to the 5 or 6 km mark in one run rather than aiming for 8 or 10. The thing is, it's weird how now 5 or 6km still feels like quite an effort and on some days I can't even get that far. But I'm told that's the mystery of running. Some days you can go for miles and other days the old body just doesn't want to go there. And it's next to impossible to figure out what factors into it: sleep? stress? what you ate? Dunno. But a small bowl of oatmeal and honey now seems to be my best friend before a run. And it does seem to matter if I'm running "in nature" or in the city, but unfortunately my access to nature has been severely limited in the past few weeks. However running in the city has it's perks. I've been able to cheer on strikers, say hi to the old folks walking the Cranberry Path, re-direct lost teenagers, chat with posties about how far I run and how far they walk, and generally find out what's up in town. So despite the concrete and what it may be doing to my knees, the city running really isn't so bad, I just miss the park. And with fall upon us and winter soon to come I'd better take advantage of the park while I have the chance, so let's hope October brings new opportunties for some running through the leaves....

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

100k and 10k more

Whoo hoo! Okay I'm finally making some tracks! So I've officially hit the 100k mark (since I started tracking my runs in May) *before* my birthday, which was the goal. And today I made my secret goal, which was to run a full 10k before my birthday. So I can chalk that one up too. Good old Shediac with it's long flat, often dirt, roads really helped. And the 10/1 run/walk ratio really worked as well. So I have one other secret goal but it's secret, so, if I make it, I"ll let you know...

Monday, June 28, 2010


I guess I've been really lucky so far and nothing but my own slowness has gotten in the way of my getting out to run over the past few weeks. But today, the day I was all prepared for, the day I had gotten everything ready for my run the night before, this was the day the skies decided to open up and pour forth. Now I know I'm not made of sugar, I know I won't melt if I go out in the rain and at first I thought "it's just a light rain, it'll get lighter, it'll be fine". Then I thought someone was pointing a garden hose at the kitchen window. No light downpour this. It was a full on gale. So there I was all kitted out to run and nowhere to go. My nerves started to get jangly. My body started to twitch. Heck I had woken up at 2:30a.m. ready to run, but decided that was a bit excessive. I kept waiting, I did yoga, I went through the 2 hour phone meeting I had scheduled. Still it rained. Finally, by late afternoon it cleared off enough to let me out the door. The day was saved. I did a 5.5k around town - having to dodge folks leaving work and catching buses and herding children. By I did it. My sneakers were pretty wet by the end but it was well worth it. I must have been doing something right cause this female British voice, somebodyorother Radcliffe, came on my I-Pod and told me I had just done my best time for the mile (9min 16sec - so not exactly sprinting, but good for me I guess). Well yay. I guess it was worth the wait...

Friday, June 25, 2010

Running wild

So I have decided that if meditation is a science (and the Dalai Lama says it is and I'm not one to argue with the Dalai Lama) then running must be an art. I figure this is true because no system of analysis can explain to me why some days - often the days I think I won't be able to run very far - I can run on and on, and other days I can't. This morning I thought I'd go and do a "short" run in the park. My energy stores weren't particularly high and it was late morning before I could go so all of this - I thought - dictated I wouldn't go far. But lo and behold I get to the park, it is an absolutely perfect day (about 24 degrees with a fabulous breeze, the kind that makes sailors very happy). But still I think, I won't go too far, I won't push myself etc. etc. I try reversing my usual route but I get kind of misdirected and end up going up the NB trail, away from my usual route. Oh well I say, I'll go up here a piece and then double back, much as I hate to double back. But I start going and think, oh well, why not go until I hit 3km and then if I double back it'll be exactly 6km to the car and I can check out that path that supposedly follows along the road back towards where I park the car, but I can never find (the path, not the car). So the NB trail is perfect, the weather is perfect, I start coming back and who should be coming down the path but my bestest bud - who has already run some unspeakable number of kilometres. Should have known it was him right away from the Communist Youth League shirt. We check in on how far we've gone and where we're going, arrange for him to cover for me at a meeting and run off in opposite directions. I'm still thinking, yup 6km, that'd be fantastic really, I'll just veer off at that trail beside the road.... Funny thing about that trail beside the road. It's sort of like Brigadoon - it appears and disappears at will. It's marked in yellow on the little park map plain as day. I have been on it. I saw it during this particular run. But I can never quite figure out how to *get* on to it. In any case I missed it again and discovered myself back on my old loop and ended up running 8.25km in order to get back to the car. Felt great though. I had paced myself more carefully using a 10/2 run/walk ratio and maybe that helped keep me going, but the last time I did over 8km I didn't do any of that and none of the parameters of this run applied (except for great weather). So, it must be magic (incidently Sting's "every little thing she does is magic" was going around in my head, maybe the pacing was right) or art. It just happens...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Running to the beat

So being unable to get to the park I returned to inner-city running, which of course is getting more and more tricky with construction season being in full swing. (Although a really nice guy sawing through concrete and creating one hell of a choking dust did stop so I could run through without my lungs seizing up - this is Saint John, people are polite). Managed to pull off another 6km with only a couple very short - 2 min - walking segments. Tried running to music this time although I'm sure my choices would not pass muster with serious runners. I ran to world beat, delta blues, folk, some Jack Johnson, not exactly pick-up-your-feet-run music, but it worked for me. I did read in the Globe and Mail running segment (
that there is a whole website dedicated to musical downloads for running/workouts - well actually, now I look more closely there are many websites with this aim. The music is chosen by the beats per minute to help you reach a certain magical 180 strides per minute. But the site I looked at had terrible music, the pounding, crashy, drum machine driven pop music kind that makes you think of sweaty workout rooms and over-excited aerobics instructors. Very un-Zen. I figure if I'm going to run I'll listen to music I enjoy and if that's some low, slow Delta blues then I can run to that. But there's other good stuff on the Globe page like a video on "Making Friends with Hills" (I'm gonna watch that one) and working up to a 10k run - I need that one too... But I'm sticking with my Delta Blues

Monday, June 21, 2010

Running in a fog

Well it must be nearly July since the fog has started to roll in on a regular basis. Forgetting, for a moment, the vagaries of fog in the summer I set out this a.m. armed with long sleeved shirt and a jacket in case it got "chilly". Note to self - when running, fog is warm and clammy. I swear I was steaming like a horse by the time I finished 5 k (appropriate really since the first 1k was me picking my way along a horse trail trying to avoid the little gifts the horses had left.) Of course now that the tide has gone out it's all lovely and sunny, but this a.m. it was a medium dense fog complete with what I like to call "frain" - not rain really, just a heavy mist. Glasses are a real pain under these conditions but I discovered, oddly, that if I take mine off to run I think I'm 10 feet tall and my legs get a lot heavier. Like a friend said recently, running is all a mind game, so clearly my mind thought that since I was 10 feet tall my legs must be really long and therefore heavy. In any case I returned to running with rained on glasses and my gait improved markedly. My friend also made the point that if you only look a couple of feet ahead of you, especially while running up hills, things go much easier for you. And indeed, I discovered this is the case. Just focus on the now the Buddhists would say, and the now in this case was the couple feet of dirt path right in front of me. Hmm. There's probably some meaning in that I should figure out. But for now I think I'll go enjoy the sun now it's back...